Holidays in solitude with my Family. Enjoying moments exploring and being quiet in Nature. With a yearning to hold on to these treasured memories I paint Reflections. I am in awe of how my world around me supports natures growth and how it is always showing me signs and messages that fuel my artistic visions to honour life. Reflections. What you put in is what you get out, and spending time with my family is time well spent.
Often feeling high wired, I hold onto the calm in my world and hard wire my quiet time with my family by honouring it in painting. Painting reflections in oil paints allowed new ways of working to develop by slowing down my process and painting in layers to capture light and shadow. It inspired me to tune in to Natures natural rhythms whilst tuning in to my own natural ebbs and flows. Reflections. Seen in my children and how they are raised. Reflections. From my own upbringing. Reflections. From my relationships with others and my relationship to the world I live.